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  1. It's been sometimes im lacking of devices to figure things out someone bug my iMac I wouldn't turn on anymore. So much isn't being fair in the game I wanna know where is the humanity fits this days. It's
  2. gwilson


  3. https://www.canva.com/design/DAFk_a29nBY/3wiD89rF697JE3w5upcIzA/edit?utm_content=DAFk_a29nBY&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton
  4. gwilson


    What's up interruption?
  5. Hi I don't know what to say
  6. Here's mine sorry took me this long to post. A little something for my birthday would be
  7. gwilson

    Fix this psm

    Why is that so many bunos had pass by but hasn't made it to my deposit please help
  8. Guys I'm so tired of playing without winning bunos that never show up. Interruption while playing. Specially going through without winning I'm so tired of bing broke it feels like I deserved a little something here. I don't come at you for something I never been a headache to you but right now I'm so broken with your strategy I need food I need this things I'll stop playing in your site if this is what it takes I just need a refund with that money today I can't play anymore. pleaase I need it so bad thank you for understanding
  9. I know what you ment. Yes im doing the things im doing theres times to win but theres times when i know i am just passing time and the thing is i should`t Make 500 dollars if i was to only place a bet of 5 dolla or worst a penny. I dont like this typical mentality think its unfair on behalf of the casino its alright sometimes but it dosnt work that way to me. I was dying to let some people know about this prospictive i have been living with this thoughs ideas how to get my head around this game because man your not easy! And since then when i was able to feel i was winining and of cours thanks for that evrything changes i felt it the time it too to get to where. And the clear prospect it seems to me for now. And the important bit. Guys when you hit your timing the once you feel there a way to lift yourself up dont blame the house we did this to ourselves. The House {You guys are doing great } This isnt something for evyone they. Omg
  10. Hi tyabks cor the heads up. How is it going? This is a stunning hight quality software tor chating its beautifull havent use something like this before. How is it when it comes to storages consumption if you dont mind me asking?
  11. what an expensive mistakes I have done with my own doing this months weeks I stupidly hope I made progress and l learned from this previous experience. and this is just I think and it is a complement for you guys you come a long way and I have massive respect to the knowledges and what you do. and you know who you are. please help me pick up this mess I made I need to repay some of this.
  12. lets go!!?let me know when your ready for a walk with me thank you ill be more than glad for sharing the moment . sincer Regards Grace.
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