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BC Game Wins Crypto Casino Of The Year - Grab Your Piece of Cake $2000 Giveaway


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So there I was laying in bed. Not wanting to get up for work. Even though I had no choice because in order to live, you must have a way to make money.

I happened to have an extra 20 dollars that I could spend on whatever I wanted. So I thought, why not stay in bed for a little longer and play a little bit on BC GAME before getting up and getting ready work.

 I started playing with that 20 dollars. Switching game to game, slot to slot. When all of sudden, I got a bonus spin on a slot game. Needless to say, I hit pretty well. Can’t remember exactly the multi I got but after that slot. That 20 dollars had turn into 3000.

Me being super excited and thought I had luck in my shoulder, decided to swing over to the in house game plinko. For everyone that I have met here at BC GAME, they all know how much plinko does not like me.

I thought to myself. What do I honestly have to lose? The 20 dollars I started with? So since I had a 3000 balance. I started making the highest bets I had ever placed at BC. The balls were dropping and nothing was hitting. I was getting super nervous. When all of sudden…… boom….

I can’t remember the exact amount of the  bet and I don’t know what multi it had hit because of my excitement. When I looked at what I had just won. I couldn’t believe my eyes.

I was sitting at exactly 10,000 dollars. I had thought it was all just a dream which I’m happy to say it wasn’t. That would be the biggest win of my life thus far and will be one of the most remembered moments of my lifetime.  

Luck was indeed on my shoulder. 


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9 hours ago, amintodl said:

سلام خوشحالم که با شما هستم. بهترین کازینو در جهان. ایده من در بازی بی بی سی amintodl است و خوشحالم که در چند سال اخیر پیشرفت کرده است.




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my most good memory of BC game is when i sat and played for 3 months ago and i my phone rang, i answered while i continued to play. it was my girlfriend who rang to say she is pregnat and at just the same tim she told me i lost a big bet and screamed NOOOOOOO! hehe
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One of my best memory was winning a x1000 on plinko with 0.5$ ! X1000 doesn't happens so often, so it was really a good memory. Plus it was much needed at that time. ♥️ Thx #BCGame keep entertaining us ! 

Good luck everyone and long live coco ♥️

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i really like bc game cuz its so fast and easy to cash in and cash out... and i can bet with my favorite sports team... hope to win #BCGAME

12 hours ago, TuongLuKim said:

Mine would be on the egypt game i was almost broke and then last few spins hit over 1k . It was a goood day


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My best memories in bc. Game im win in daily challenges,, im newbie but  i got top 3 slot and top 4 in dailychallange ,, its soo hard to hit the daily challenge but i got,,  and thank for that challenge because im not bored to play because soo many challenge,,  like furom event challenges, telegrama challenge,  ang thanks to all mod because all mod add new challenges in discord and face book challenges,, that my happy memories in bc.games,, u lost or bust,, but bc.games put a chance to recover you,, but dont abuse,, because ur acct is going to risk,, play natural,, depo withdraw depo withdraw,, that all,, thanks for this event,, more  bless to us,, 



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Bc game is one the best platform where you can get money in easy ways, i have no friend on bc and also no vip but i have a rememberable day on bc that i win 15000$ usdt on bc then i buy a first car for my father i don't have words for bc you guys realized how is the feelings when a son buy a car for her dad❣️ love you bc game

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Hello to all mods and users🤚.

my best memory is when i entered the BC game . At the beginning, I deposited 100 TRX . and entered the plinko . i played rashly and lost all 100 TRXs😖🥵 . I opened the list of currencies with nerves and saw that there were 1 BCD inside. I didn't know the value of the BCD was $1😁. I hit that BCD with two bet of 0.5 BCDs that would end. but with that i got a 1000X and i won 500 bcd !!!! 😎 . I quit the game and questioned the value of the BCD from friends and found out I had unintentionally won $500 !!!!😍😛🤪
From that day on, I won more wins, but that win was my sweetest win in the bitterest idol.

Thank you🤗

. My English is not perfect I hope you will forgive my flaws😅

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The experience with bc game definitely changed my life. Before signing up with bc game i have never had any of gambling accounts in any platform. The best moment or the best part was signing up here. I was searching for a way to earn extra $ that's when I found BC Game. Its easy, fun and it provides tons of bonuses. I even met tons of friends and generous people here. Its not only the gambling or the online casino platform,it has been a medium to enjoy,learn and earn.

Winning or loosing is just the part of the game but bc game never had truly disappointed me in any sense.

Thank you BC Game for this introvert man giving a way to chill. ♥️

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Well for me bcgame is a site of friendship. I've been here for 3 years and I met different kinds of person. My best moments here is not the wins but those true people that I met and still here as my friend. I miss bcgame when we are only few players in the chat. Bcgame is not just a casino site,it is a site wherein u can meet friends that will stay in ur life as family

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I love bc game coz there too much bonuses and I can’t brt on other site i trust too much on bc somtimes they give too much winnings and sometimes loss coz loss or win is a part of game  but i love bc game very much i pay my college dues from here after winning very coprative support here thx for this opportunity Bc Game best in the world 

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قبل 15 ساعة ، قال BCGame_POP:

استخدامنا وننمو باطراد. أفضل المكافآت التي يقدمها جائزة أفضل جائزة في نظام تشفير المقامرة .


للاحتفال بمناسبة حلول اللحظة ، تقديم هدية ، حيث

  1. 3 مستخدم شاركوا أفضل لحظة لا تنسى سيحصل على 100 دولار
  2. حاصل على قيمة جيدة مقابل 7 دولارات أمريكية.
  3. اختيار 100 مستخدم بشكل عشوائي منح كل منهم 10 دولارات.

ماذا تريد ان تفعل؟
شارك أفضل لحظة / تجربة من رحلتك مع BC.GAME. أفضل لحظة لا يجب أن تحققها. يمكن أن يكون شيء مثل ؛

  1. العثور على صديق جيد
  2. لقاء شريك حياتك (ربما !!)
  3. يمكن تعيين مضيف VIP.
  4. أو ربما ربحت الصورة في الواقع ، وستكون هذه بلا شك أفضل لحظة / ذكرى.

أفضل 3 قصص تمت مشاركتها من الردود على هذا الحدث - بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، حصل 100 مستخدم  شاركوا أفضل لحظاتهم مع BC.GAME على 7 دولارات لكل بعد انتهاء الحدث. 

نشاط إضافي : لقد سمعنا حبك. نضيف 1000 دولار إضافية إلى المجمع. إلى جانب 1000 دولار ، سنمنح 10 دولارات إلى 100 مستخدم عشوائي يشاركون أفضل قصصهم مع BC.

الشروط: بمشاركة بمشاركة واحد فقط لكل أسرة. سيتم الإعلان عن الفائزين وسيتم تسليم الجوائز بعد 72 ساعة.


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Hace 15 horas, BCGame_POP dijo:

Año tras año, lo hemos estado entregando a nuestros usuarios y creciendo exponencialmente. Con los mejores bonos ofrecidos por cualquier persona en el ecosistema de apuestas criptográficas, nos enorgullece anunciar que fuimos galardonados como el mejor casino criptográfico en los premios SIGMA.


Para celebrar este momento, estamos haciendo un sorteo, donde

  1. 3 usuarios que compartieron el mejor momento memorable obtendrán 100 $
  2. 100 usuarios que comenten primero obtendrán 7$ cada uno (debe ser una buena memoria con BCGAME y no un comentario aleatorio).
  3. Se elegirán 100 usuarios al azar y se les dará 10 $ a cada uno.

¿Qué es lo que hay que hacer?
Comparta un mejor momento/experiencia de su viaje con BC.GAME. El mejor momento no tiene por qué ser una gran victoria. Puede ser algo como;

  1. Encontrar un buen amigo
  2. Conocer a tu pareja (¡quizás!)
  3. Podría estar siendo asignado un Anfitrión VIP.
  4. O tal vez ganaste mucho de verdad, y ese será sin duda el mejor momento/recuerdo.

Seleccionaremos las 3 mejores historias compartidas de las  respuestas a este evento; además, los 100 usuarios  que compartieron sus mejores momentos con BC.GAME recibirán 7 $ cada uno después de que finalice el evento.

Extra : Escuchamos tu amor. Estamos agregando $ 1000 adicionales a la piscina. Junto con los 1000$, daremos 10$ a 100 usuarios aleatorios que compartan sus mejores historias con BC.GAME.

Términos: Solo se permite participar una cuenta por hogar. Los ganadores serán anunciados y los premios se entregarán después de 72 horas.

Este fue el mejor momento deposite $1 en ltc y logre hacer 80 después me fui a a jugar tragamonedas y ya estaba perdiendo en solo me quedan 10 usd y puum esta excelente apuesta


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