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Everything posted by Coco_Father

  1. This section is to be used for real support issues. Do not make posts here to complain or make accusations or just to spam "hi". If you are having a REAL issue with your account and you have already tried the online Support window, then you may post about it here. All other posts will be moved or deleted.
  2. Wow! This is the secret to winning then? ALL in on RED!!!
  3. This section is dedicated to events, giveaways, promotions and competitions. Topics in this section can only be created by BC.Game Staff members. Comments must comply with the conditions set for each event.
  4. Your opinion matters. BC.Game is more than an online casino. It is a community. This section will be dedicated to the community as a way to share your ideas, opinions, constructive criticisms and anything else that might help us to become better. Important: Do not use this thread to spread FUD or baseless accusations. We welcome all feedback, of course. This is the section for positivity and progress, though. If you are pissed off because you had a bad run, please visit the $&@# BC.Game section. If you have a deposit or withdraw issue, please use a support ticket. Do not post that you are waiting for a deposit or withdraw here.
  5. This section will be dedicated to all the boring, nerdy, provably fair mumbo jumbo. In other words, this will be a great place to learn some useful information, share some useful information, or just copy and paste from here, so people think you are smart. Please try to stay on topic because I don't like deleting other people's topics and comments but I will to keep this forum clean.
  6. Rule #1 Introduce yourself. Rule #2 See Rule number one. I will do an example introduction topic right under this one as an example.
  7. Time to start adding some content and setting some basic rules.
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